Credit Control
Sometimes you do a great job for a person or company but they fail to pay, causing your business to suffer. Our Credit Control Service will help you to get paid, avoiding conflict in the process.
Regular, proactive contact with debtors means that debts don’t have a chance to become overdue. Where debtors don’t keep promises we have some great skills to bring the debts in as soon as possible, using as much pressure as is necessary.
We always take direction from you so that our service is tailored to your up to date client knowledge, requirements and approach to customer care.
We provide timely and accurate aged debtor reports to update you on can’t pay / won’t pay customers, allowing you to see at a glance exactly which customers owe you money and from when. We can set up a “watch list” enabling you to focus on particular customer accounts or high value invoices that are crucial to your business.